
AGM for 2023 and Social Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on March 13 at
Harmsworth Hall, 7170 – 232 Street Langley at 7:30 pm.

We will be taking nominations for, and voting on, the positions of president, treasurer, training and trip coordinator. We need a quorum of 15 current members attending to be able to vote, so please be sure to show up for this meeting.

Agenda and minutes of previous AGM has been emailed to members.

A gear swap/sale follows the AGM.


AGM March 8

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on March 8 at Harmsworth Hall, 7170 – 232 Street Langley at 7:30 pm.

We will be taking nominations for, and voting on, the positions of Secretary and Membership. We need a quorum of 15 current members attending to be able to vote, so please be sure to show up for this meeting.

Agenda and minutes of previous AGM have been emailed to members.

Once the AGM is officially ended, we start our regular monthly meeting with a quick check in from the individual executive members followed by a gear-sharing session.


AGM for 2021 and Social Meeting – March 10

Our AGM for 2021 is on March 10 at 7:00 PM. A Zoom meeting

We will be taking nominations for, and voting on, the positions of Membership and Secretary. Both of the current position-holders are willing to let their names stand for re-election. We need a quorum of 15 members attending to be able to vote, so please be sure to show up for this meeting.

Once the AGM is officially ended, we will start our regular monthly meeting with a quick check in from the individual executive members followed by a slideshow. This month’s offering is Central Coast 2017, an entirely different trip from the 2012 trip featured at the February meeting.